Easter Sunday, And A Milestone!

Posted by Amanda on Friday, April 5, 2013.
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I am so proud of my big kids!

Noo noos have been one of those issues/non-issues for us for a while now.... Jeff and I would go back and forth about taking them away, then feel bad for making them give up something they are so attached to.  They only used them when sleeping or on car rides and functioned perfectly fine without them all day at daycare, but when they started getting tired, noo noo always made its appearance.

We decided to let the Easter Bunny take their noo noos and bring them to "all the new little babies who didn't have a noo noo."  They each kissed their noo noo "bye", then put it inside a plastic egg in their Easter basket.  That was the easy part.

The first night was rough.  Every five minutes, Jeffry would cry for it - we could distract him for a few minutes, then he would remember, and the waterworks would come on.  Sadie insisted "I need to suck on something!" over and over again through her tears.  It broke my heart, and I told her that if she needed something to suck on, she could use her thumb (inside I'm screaming no! no! NO! - but what other alternative was there?).  The answer I got back? "I.DON'T.WANNA.SUCK.MY.THUMB!" with a foot stomp to accent each word.

After the first day, they asked maybe once or twice for it, and since then, no mention of noo noo from them. I've had to bite my tongue a few times, because I'm so used to saying "Go get your ribbit/bunny and noo noo!" when we are leaving the house or getting ready for bed.  But so far, so good!

A few pics of my non-noo noo big kids!

~ Amanda