Easter: Egg Hunt Number One

Posted by Amanda on Wednesday, March 20, 2013.

Easter has snuck up on me this year - I realized at the end of last week that Easter was only two weeks away when my mom-in-law told me about her church's annual Easter egg hunt.  I dug for thirty minutes in their closet before I gave up on ever finding their Easter baskets - Sadie ended up taking a wicker purse to the egg hunt, and Jeffry settled on a reusable grocery bag.  I typically would have had matching monogrammed baskets and some sort of smocked clothing.... oh, well.  I still have a week and a half until the actual day.

What I thought was going to be a simple egg hunt turned out to be a pretty fun two-hour event.  The kids started out by frosting and decorating sugar cookies.  Most of my time was spent keeping fingers out of the communal icing bowls.

Next up was arts and crafts - making a picture frame.  Jeffry wasn't too impressed and was trying to wait patiently while the adults were hiding eggs outside.

We then went outside behind the church for an egg-and-spoon race and snacks - the egg hiders were finishing up in the front.

Of course, it was impossible to chase both of them down to get pics of them actually picking up eggs.  Sadie got the concept early on two years ago and would pick up an egg, drop it in her basket, pick up another one, drop it in her basket, etc.  In previous years, Jeffry would put a few eggs in his basket, then sit down and turn it over to pour them all out.  No amount of coaching or coaxing would get him to continue hunting eggs after picking up the first three or four.

This year, his strategy was to pick up as many eggs as he could carry at one time and bring them to me to put in his bag - so Mommy had to juggle a purse, a camera bag, a camera, the crafts they had made, Jeffry's egg bag, and Sadie's half eaten chocolate dipped peep that she refused to throw away.

They both came away with a similar amount of eggs (thank you baby Jesus!) and plenty of candy.

There are more egg hunts this weekend for us - my hospital's company event and our church's egg hunt.  My goal this week is to get proper Easter baskets and do some bunny shopping. =)

~ Amanda

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