Just Your Typical Grocery Shopping Trip.

Posted by Amanda on Friday, March 1, 2013.

Since Jeffry so graciously shared his croup with Sadie, I had to stay home with her earlier in the week and keep her dosed up on steroids and nebulizer treatments.  I had to make a stop at the grocery store on the way home from her appointment to pick up a few things for dinner, and she begged to go to our local store "with the baby buggies."

Keep in mind that this is a short in-and-out trip with just one kid.  As much as I hate Wal-Mart, I will typically go there because I can strap both kiddos in the racecar buggy and move fairly quickly.  When I do go to the "baby buggy store," I'm trying to corral two three year olds with baby buggies and keep them going in the same direction.  They will inevitably run into someone else's buggy or pull random things off the shelves to buy.

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